2. Working in media production contexts-professional practice:
- How did you manage the group dynamics, equipment and resources, interim deadlines and necessarily collaboratively nature of the filmmaking?
I found it easy to manage the resources and equipment because there was only one of everything and I was the main person filming. I collaborated with other people for actors and for a help with carrying items and setting up the different sets.
- what health and safety logistical problems did you solve?
I solved a logistical problem of not having a way from getting from location to location by asking my Dad to drive and a friend to help drive from the different locations this saved time and made it easy to make it to the different locations in the same day. This relieved pressure and led to better shots.
- how did you organise your human resources - the people involved in production?
I made sure that I did every different shot in the same order when setting up. Then I made sure that I had all the information written down that I needed to tell each person this made sure that everyone knew what they were doing. I made sure that I asked my actors whether they were ok and made sure that they had substantial rest when they required it.
- how did you manage actors, locations, costumes and props?
I had used Google earth prior to filming to check my locations. I checked what personal items I could use for the costumes, thankfully the items they owned were good and suitable but if they weren't I would have gone and bought some suitable costumes. The props I sourced from friends and family to make sure that I had all the items required I created a check list and checked the items off as I collected them.
Just add your voice over now. Great work